Note:In order to delete a customer account, make sure you have withdrawed all their credits/cleared all their debts. Otherwise, the account cannot be deleted.

Delete an account:

  1. Go to Customer app > Find your customer organization > click View
  2. Go to Settings >Click Delete to permanently delete the organization.
  3. Choose [Yes, I’m sure] to proceed. Otherwise, you may click Go back to end the process.
  4. The status of the organization has been changed to Suspended for deletion. You have 30 days to reactivate the account before it is permanently deleted.
  5. If you want to reactivate the organization, click Activate >Choose [Yes, I’m sure] to proceed.

Suspend an account:

  1. Go to Customer app > Find your customer organization > click View
  2. Go to Settings >Click Temporarily suspend the organization
  3. Choose [Yes, I’m sure] to proceed. Otherwise, you may click Go back to end the process.
  4. The status of the organization has been changed to Suspended
  5. If you want to reactivate the organization, click Activate >Choose [Yes, I’m sure] to proceed.
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