Our system supports 2 Payment modes:

  • Prepaid
  • Postpaid
  Prepaid Postpaid
Definition The scheme in which the customers buy credit in advance before availing services The scheme in which the customers are billed at the end of the month for the services availed by them.
Pay Upfront One time per month by the invoice(s).
Charge On a real-time basis On a monthly basis
Monthly Invoice Summarizes the charges which have occurred and been deducted. Lists the items that the customers use within the month which they need to buy.
Reasons to choose The users are willing to top up their account and pay in advance. – Enterprise customer wants to pay only one time per month by the invoice- You have your own billing system. – You are selling the package that the system does not support yet.- You want to ensure the customer accounts to operate without issuing issue credit to them frequently.

Tips:If you do not use system billing (Invoice app and Finance app), 

  1. You can: 
    1. Set all your customers to POSTPAID 
    2. Give them a sufficient Credit limit
      • Click HERE for the guideline on how to determine the credit limit.

2. You do not need to clear the invoices sent to your customers. Leaving all the invoices unpaid does not affect your B3 balance or usable credit.



  • Although the switch can do any time as your customer requests, we suggest you do it after the monthly invoice has been generated and sent, normally within the first week of a month. 
    • If you do not enable Invoice sending and feel unsure, please Contact us.
  • If you convert the account from prepaid to postpaid, you should give them some Credit limit first. Otherwise, they cannot make any transactions.
  • If you convert the account from postpaid to prepaid, you might consider removing their credit limit.

In order to change the Payment mode, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Finance app
  2. Choose the Organization Management tab
  3. Click Convert to Postpaid (or Convert to Prepaid)
  4. Submit
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