SMS Rebranding service allows customers to use a customized Sender Name as SenderID when sending out an SMS from SMS Marketing app or Wallboard app (Post Call Survey feature).
Because of telecommunication regulations, we are required to ensure accountability for the SMS re-branding service. Hence, in order to activate this service, we will need the following documents for verification:

For individuals:

  • ID (front & back), or passport (particulars page)
  • Recent phone bill (within three months – first page, with visible billing address)

For companies:

  • Registered ACRA Bizfile or a copy of its Letter of Business Registration
  • Approval letter from the Board of Directors. (The approval letter should state that the company’s Board of Directors, approves the use of SMS Re-branding, ensures the company adheres to regulations presiding over its use and takes responsibility for any issues arising from the misuse of the re-branding service)
  • For rebranding number: Recent phone bill (within three months – first page, with visible billing address) to prove that the replacing number belongs to the company. (Organization Name on the bill must MATCH with the Organization Name in our system)

These documents should be sent to use along with your registered number. We will get back to you on your SMS re-branding application very shortly.

Sender Name customization is currently available for sending SMS to recipients in Singapore ONLY. For other countries, please contact our Support Team for help.

Sender Name customization is not guaranteed to work for recipients in other countries although you may still be able to attempt to customize the sender name.

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