Outbound rules are composed of the rules for:

  • Dial plan
  • Country whitelist
    • Passcode
  • CallerID plan

1. Create a new Rule

Go to Bizphone app > Settings > Outbound Rule > New Rule > Key in the name of the rule and Save:

2. Change the name of the Rule

Click on the Pencil icon beside the name.

3. Configure the Rule

Dial plan is an expected sequence of digits dialed by subscribers to access specific telephone networks for telephone calls.
By default, if you want to make an outbound call from our system, you will need to follow this standard: <country code> + <area code> + <destination>. However, to reduce the steps, you can set up a dial plan for your calls. By doing this, you will not have to key in the country code every time you make an outbound call anymore.

  • Click Add plan to add a new plan.
  • Click the Pencil icon to edit a plan.
  • Click the Trash icon to delete a plan.
    • For example: if you want to dial Singapore destinations without press 65
  • Explanation: If the number starts with 3,6,8,9 and has a length of 8, remove 0 leading digits and prepend 65.
  • Result: If you need to call 6512345678, you just need to dial 12345678. The system will automatically add 65 at the beginning of the number string.
  • Currently, the system supports to Default Dial Plan for some countries: Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
  • The Country Whitelist is created for security purposes.
  • You can only make calls to the selected destination on the list.
  • By default, 20 countries are added.
  • To add a new destination to the list:
    1. Search a destination by country name or country code.
    2. Tick Allowed.
    3. Tick Passcode required if you require the users to input a passcode every time they make calls to a destination. (This option affects users who activate their passcode).
    4. Example: Make calls to Afghanistan
      • Tick Allowed to add Afghanistan to Whitelist.
      • If user tick Passcode – When making calls: Dial number + Passcode.
      • If a user does not tick Passcode – When making calls: Dial number only.



If you enable PASSCODE, the destination is automatically whitelisted.
  • CallerID plan helps you to configure the CallerID of the outgoing call specifically.
  • For example: if you want to use the CallerID as +6564291310 when calling Vietnam mobile numbers, configure as below:
    • Call to 84 with prefix 9388
    • Use CallerID as +6564291310

  • You can choose which extension and Bizphone Gateway to follow the Outbound Rule. 
  • Tick/untick and the change is applied automatically.
  • If the Bizphone Gateway is not included here, its outbound call will follow that in SIP App Rules.
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