In this section, users are allowed to transfer the Incoming calls from their Virtual Line number(s) to:

  1. Other Phone numbers
  2. Bizphone extensions(s)
  3. Wallboard queue(s)

Transfer options

  1. Key in the phone numbers (with country code, e.g. +6566186688) 
  2. Press Enter
  3. Save


Maximum transferred numbers are 5.
A. Transfer to Bizphone extension by keys pressed
  • Use case: Callers can press a direct bizphone extension number to reach a particular agent.
  • How to setup:
    1. Begin with the Gather input.
    2. Choose Any Digit.
    3. Put in Max digits: ” The digit length of bizphone extensions numbers”. 
    • Sample: if your Bizphone extensions are 100 – 900 then put in the Max digits is 3.
    1. Toggle “Forward to Bizphone extension by keys pressed“.
  • **Click HERE for Gather Input setting instructions.
    B. Transfer to Bizphone Extensions
    • Use case: Forward the caller to one or many Bizphone extensions.
    • How to setup: 
    1. Choose extension type: extension, extension group, or conference group
    2. Select the extension(s)
    3. Save

Click HERE for setting Gather input instructions.

  1. Select Wallboard Queue
  2. Save

Incoming CallerID

The number to receive calls may be the user’s personal phone number. 
Therefore, you may want to know whether the call you are about to answer is a private or business call. 
There are 2 options: 
  • Present Calling Party Number: The number of the caller
  • Present Original Called Number: The incoming number that receives the call
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