Payment Mode
- Usable credit: the amount that you can spend on, i.e. credit transfer/ issue, usage and subscription renewal.
- Usable credit = Balance – Reserved credit – Liability + Credit limit
- Balance: the amount stored in this wallet.
- Reserved credit is caused by an ongoing transaction. If the transaction is successful, Reserved credit is deducted; otherwise, it is returned to the Usable credit.
- Credit limit: the maximum amount of money the service provider lets you borrow.
- Current Balance: the amount stored in this wallet.
- Current Balance = – (unbilled amount + amount due)
- Expecting invoice = Unbilled amount: the usage amount for the current bill period.
- Amount due: the sum of all costs that the account has been invoiced for, minus any payments that have been applied to those costs.
- Credit limit: the maximum amount of money that you let the account borrow.
- Reserved credit is caused by an ongoing transaction. If the transaction is successful, Reserved credit is consumed; otherwise, it is released.
How to check credit balance?
To check your credit balance, follow the steps below:
- At the Homepage, select the Payment tab
- Check Credit balance

- Click on the Profile icon
- Go to Manage Organization
- Select the Payment tab
- Check the Credit balance