Disable a Member

Both Owner and Admins of the account can perform this action.Disable means deactivate the activities of the members, including:

  • Access the portal
  • Login to the Application

The disabled member can be reactivated again.
In order to do so, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Profile icon, choose Organization Management
  2. Select the Members tab
  3. Choose a particular member that you would like to disable
  4. At the Status section, click Disable
  5. Confirm to proceed
  6. Once it is done, the disabled member will show under the Disabled members’ tab

Delete a Member

Only the Owner of the account can perform this action.Delete means completely remove that member from your account and this action cannot be reverted.
In order to do so, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Profile icon, choose Organization Management
  2. Select the Members tab
  3. Choose a particular member that you would like to delete
  4. Click the Trash icon
  5. Confirm to proceed
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