At Finance App, choose tab Payment

The tab allows you to: 

  1. Record payment that you receive from customers.
  2. Assign the payment to a customer and allocate it to invoices.
  3. Top-up payment to customers’ accounts.
  4. View, edit and delete a payment.

1. Add new payment

In order to add a new payment, please follow the step below:

  1. Go to the Finance app
  2. Choose Payment tab
  3. Click + New Payment
  4. Fill in the necessary information:
    • Customer name
    • Amount
    • Received date
    • Payment information
      • Method
      • Reference
    • Invoice #
    • Remark
  5. Create

2. Assign the payment to a customer and allocate it to the respective invoice(s)

In order to allocate a payment, please follow the step below:

  1. Go to the Finance app
  2. Choose Payment tab
  3. Select the appropriate payment
  4. Click the Eye icon
  5. Choose the Pencil icon at:
    • Assigned Organization
    • Allocation 
  6. Search the invoice by:
    • Organization name
    • Invoice
    • Issued date
  7. Select the appropriate invoice
  8. Click Assign & Allocate
  9. Once done, you can check the invoice status in the Invoice app


  • In the case of a top-up invoice, allocating the payment means provisioning that invoice.
  • You can UN-ASSIGN a payment out of an account. However, the maximum time to edit is 5 (assign-unasssign-assign-unassign-assign)
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