If any organization has issues with its subscriptions, you will be alerted at the first sight.

1. Failed to renew subscriptions:

Possible action:

  • Recover the subscriptions for one cycle
  • Export emails (account owner and billing) to notify them
  • Filter the subscriptions by the expiry date

Steps to recover a subscription:

  1. Click the organization from the org list 
  2. Select the subscriptions that you want to take action
  3. Click Recover
  4. Input the invoice number (if any) and proceed

2. Expiring subscriptions:

Possible action:

  • Extend the subscriptions to a preferable date
  • Extract email (account owner and billing) to notify them
  • Filter the subscriptions by expiry date

Steps to extend an expiring subscription:

  1. Click the organization from the org list 
  2. Select the subscriptions that you want to take action
  3. Click Extend
  4. Pick a new expiry date and check the extension cost
  5. Proceed
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