Manage Number Life Cycle

1. Available

  • The numbers in this list can be seen and purchased for your customers.
  • Users are able to track if any number remains Available state.

2. Reserved


A number can be reserved when:

  • A specific customer wants to have a number but did not pay yet.
  • You want to reserve numbers for future use, e.g. customer account is created but the customer has not purchased yet, save a nice number to win sales.

Reservation Period:

There are 2 types of Reservation:

  • Free reservation
  • Charged reservation
  • It happens when you intentionally reserve a number.
  • Number state change from Available to Reserved: 28 days.
  • The system will reserve the number when a subscription that has an assigned number changes its status.
  • Number state change from Assigned to Reserved:
  • After a subscription expires: 56 days.
  • After a subscription is terminated: 28 days.
  • After a number is swapped out of a subscription: 1 day.
  • It happens after the free period ended.
    • You will need to purchase a service called DID Reservation in order to extend the reservation period.
    • The reservation period will follow the DID Reservation subscription plan.


7 days before the reservation expires, the system notifies the reserver via email.
  • Customer: Billing email
  • Partner: Owner email

How to reserve a number?

  1. Go to the Number Management app
  2. Select the Available tab
  3. Search for a particular number
  4. Click the Eye icon
  5. Choose Action – Reserve
  6. Fill in the required information:
    • Org UUID
    • Remark
  7. Reserve

  1. Go to the Number Management app
  2. Select the Reserved tab
  3. Search for a particular number
  4. Click the Eye icon
  5. Choose Action – Extend Reservation
  6. Fill in the required information:
    • DID Reservation UUID (Search in Customer app – Subscriptions tab)
  7. Extend

  1. Go to the Number Management app
  2. Select the Reserved tab
  3. Search for a particular number
  4. Click the Eye icon
  5. Choose Action – Release
  6. Fill in the required information:
    • Remark
  7. Release

  • Reserve does not require documentation.
  • After the reservation expires, the number is released to the inventory.

3. Locked


A locked number is not reserved or assigned to anyone. It is a special use case of reservation in which the reserver is unidentified. 


7 days before the lock expires: 
  • Notify support: 
    • Partner support
    • B3 support
After the lock expires: 
  • Notify support: 
    • Partner support
    • B3 support
  • The number is released to the inventory after the locked period ends.
This change is only applied to New locked numbers.
Existing locked numbers at the time of deployment are not affected. It means they are being locked permanently until the Ops team performs any action.

How to lock a number?

In order to lock a number, please follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the Number Management app
  2. Select the Available tab
  3. Search for a particular number
  4. Click the Eye icon
  5. Choose Action – Lock
  6. Fill in the required information:
    • Remark
  7. Lock

In order to unlock a number, please follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the Number Management app
  2. Select the Locked tab
  3. Search for a particular number
  4. Click the Eye icon
  5. Choose Action – Unlock
  6. Fill in the required information:
    • Remark
  7. Unlock

4. Assigned

  • The number is being assigned to an active subscription. 
  • Its status is changed when the subscription expires.

5. Deleted


  • The number is removed from the inventory. 
  • Possible reasons: 
    • Ported out
    • Return to vendor
    • Fault numbers

How to delete a number?

In order to lock a number, please follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the Number Management app
  2. Select the Available/Locked tab
  3. Search for a particular number
  4. Click the Eye icon
  5. Choose Action – Delete
  6. Fill in the required information:
    • Remark
  7. Delete

In order to recover a number, please follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the Number Management app
  2. Select the Deleted tab
  3. Search for a particular number
  4. Click the Eye icon
  5. Choose Action – Recover
  6. Fill in the required information:
    • Remark
  7. Recover

Search and Export

The system supports basic and advanced search. 
Fields supported:
  • State
    • Available
    • Reserved
    • Assigned
    • Locked
    • Deleted.
  • Filter by SKU code
  • Number pattern: e.g. 65, +65, +65*
  • Capability:
    • Voice
    • Fax
    • SMS
  • Vendor
  • Country
  • Routing
  • Filter by Special properties
    • Golden
    • Ported-In
  • Visible to domain
  • Subscription UUID
  • Owner UUID

Add Numbers

In order to add numbers, please follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the Number Management app
  2. Select Add new numbers
  3. Fill in the required information:
    • Numbers: Can add a maximum of 50 numbers at once, separated by a comma.
    • Vendor: Vendor of the numbers.
    • Country: Country Code.
    • SKU: Number SKU.
  4. Add

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