From the Subscriptions page, you can check the subscription expiry and renewal date. NOTES

  • The renewal date is 7 days before the expiry date.
  • The subscription active period includes the start date and end date.

Monthly subscription

1. First buy

The subscription is active for 1 month from the day you purchase it. For example, if you buy a monthly subscription on 16 March, the subscription is active from 16 March 2020 to 15 April 2020. You pay the full monthly rate.

2. First renewal

7 days before the expiry day, the subscription will be renewed. From the first renewal onwards, our system will align the start and end date of a subscription with the start and end date of the month. 
Continue the above example: On 9 April 2020, 7 days before the expiry date, the subscription will be renewed to 31 May 2020. 
In this first renewal, you will pay for 1 month (16 April 2020 – 15 May 2020) + 16 days (from 17 April 2020 – 31 May 2020). This first renewal fee will be: Monthly subscription fee x (1+ 16/31).

3. Second renewal onwards

After the first renewal, the renewal and expiry date of your subscription will be the same as that of all other monthly subscriptions in our system, which coincide with the start and end date of the month.

First buyFirst renewalSecond renewal
Valid period16 March – 15 April 16 April – 31 May1 June – 30 June
Fee1 month1 month + 16 days1 month

Yearly subscription

1. First buy

The subscription is active for 1 year from the day you purchase it. For example, if you buy a yearly subscription on 16 Nov 2020, you pay the full yearly rate. The subscription is active from 16 Nov 2020 to 15 Nov 2021.

2. First renewal

7 days before the expiry day, the subscription will be renewed. From the first renewal onwards, our system will align the start and end date of a subscription with the start and end date of the month. Continue the above example: On 9 Nov 2021, 7 days before the expiry date, the subscription will be renewed to 30 Nov 2022. 
In this first renew, you will pay for 1 year (16 Nov 2021 – 15 Nov 2022) + 15 days (from 16 Nov 2022 – 30 Nov 2022). 

  • This first renewal fee will be: Yearly subscription fee x (1+ 15/365).

3. Second renewal onwards

After the first renewal, the expiry date of your subscription will coincide with the start date of the month.

First buyFirst renewalSecond renewal
Valid period16 Nov 2020 – 15 Nov 202116 Nov 2021 – 30 Nov 20221 Dec 2022 – 30 Nov 2023
Fee1 year1 year + 15 days1 year
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