User input can be acquired by using other input actions provided by connectors, such as call gather input.
Split Flow by Input provides a retry mechanism when invalid input is detected.
In order to create an action switched by user’s input, follow the steps below:
(Suggestion: Trigger Event > Incoming Call Transaction UUID)
Click dashes icon to choose outputs of previous actions:
- Outputs of previous actions: will be at the top of the list.
- Trigger Event: Outputs of the initial Trigger.
*Other available parameters:
- Execution Properties:
- Execution Start At: the time this flow is triggered.
- Execution UUID: Execution identity number.
- Idempotency Key.
- Function:
- Generate random UUID: to generate a random UUID for each action.
- Format DateTime: to convert timestamp into a particular format.
- Duration Between:
- First Datetime: Execution Properties > Execution Start At.
- Second Datetime: Function > Current Timestamp.

- Other available parameters can be used for other actions only.
- For each action, parameters can be different depending on your requirements.
Type your message to play to the callers. You can add more messages in different languages if needed.
- Maximum Digits Allowed: maximum number of digits the callers can press.
- Max Retry Attempts: how many times the callers can retry.
- Has Default Patch: If callers reach the Max Retry Attempts, the call will be routed to Default branch.
Other Built-in actions: