Go to Wallboard > Queue management > Settings > In queue message > Voicemail and Callback:

1. Voicemail:
What is Voicemail?A voicemailis an electronically stored voice message that is left by a caller to be retrieved later by the intended recipient.
- Enable/Disable voicemail
- Digit to trigger voicemail: set up here and update the message at Caller announcement message
- Message to play: play a message to the callers (optional)

2. Callback:
What is Callback?Callback is the feature that allows a caller to choose to be called back rather than wait on hold in the queue. When an agent in the relevant queue becomes available, the system will start to ring their devices as a standard incoming call. When an agent picks up, he/she can hear a preset message and the system will automatically place an outgoing call to connect to the caller.
- Enable/Disable callback
- Digit to trigger callback: set up here and update the message at Caller announcement message.
- Callback caller ID: Callback callerID can be any number within your organization (Virtual Line number/Bizphone number)
- Announcement message to agent: played when an agent is assigned a callback call.
- Ask caller’s contact message: played after the caller triggered a callback request.
- Confirm caller’s contact message: played after the caller leaves the contact.
- To confirm, press 1.
- To input another contact press 0.
=> Note: These digits cannot be changed.
- Goodbye message: played after the recipient confirms.
- Valid Contact Pattern:
- Default (for Singapore):
- If you are from other countries, you can change your Contact Pattern to:
By doing this, all numbers that the caller presses will be valid.
- Default (for Singapore):
- Invalid Contact Message: played if the contact is not compatible with the pattern above.
- Reach Limit Retry Input Contact Message: played when the caller does not input a valid number within allowed retry times.
- Max Asking Caller Contact Retry Times: the number of times that the caller can try to input the contact.

3. Route call to other agents:
When the assigned agent is busy or offline, callers can choose whether they want to be connected to other available agents or keep waiting.
- Enable/Disable Route calls to other agents
- Digit to trigger Agents: set up here and update the message at Caller announcement message.
This option will only be available when Ring Mode is Sticky Agent.