Phone Number Util provides the following actions:
- Format Number to E164
- Get Phone Number Property
- Spell
1. Format Number to E164
This action is used for formatting a phone number to E164 standard (eg. +6591234567) in case the caller number is not in E164 format.
- Phone Number to Format
- Default Country
- Formatted Number
In order to format the number to E164, please follow the steps below:
2. Get Phone Number Properties
This action is used for getting phone number’s country code, region code, number type, etc.
- Phone Number: Phone number in E.164 format (eg. +6591234567)
- Country Code: Country code of +6581234567 is “65”
- Region Code: Region code of +6581234567 is “SG”
- Number Type: Fixed line, mobile, toll free, etc
- Combined Properties: Combined properties of +6581234567 is “SG_MOBILE”
In order to get phone number properties, please follow steps below:
(Suggestion: Trigger Event > Caller Phone Number)
3. Spell
This action is used to make a text compatible with TTS spelling. This action will usually be added before playing a message to confirm the caller number. Otherwise, the system will spell the number in units.
- Text to spell
- Spelled Text
In order to configure Spell action, please follow the steps below:
Other available connector actions: